

God calls each of us to serve one another according to the gifts He has given us. We can answer that call in many ways. Serving in the context of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and helping to make fellowship opportunities available for parishioners are just two of those ways. Pitching in with our Spring, Fall, and post-storm cleanups and lending a hand with “garden care” are other ways to serve.

Prayerfully consider sharing your gifts by serving in one or more of the following ministries:


Ministry of Hospitality. Ushers and greeters make God's love apparent in our parish's warm hospitality. These ministers welcome members and visitors at the church doors, direct the seating and processions of the assembly, and pass the collection baskets. They also neaten our worship space after our liturgies to ensure that it remains an orderly place for prayer and meditation. Karen Kelmer (252-986-9909) trains and schedules our ushers and greeters.



Ministry of the Word. God speaks to us through the readers, who proclaim Scripture at our liturgies. The impact of God’s message depends on their conviction, their preparation, and their delivery. It also requires that the diction and voice projection of the reader is such that he or she can be easily understood by the assembly, whom they serve.

Jane Grimm (703-629-6081) trains and schedules all our readers.



Ministry of Music. It is said that to sing is to pray twice because it provides a unique aid to mindful prayer. As an important part of the parish's liturgical life, the Ministry of Music enhances our worship by heightening the Word of God through song, which in turn stimulates spiritual reflection. The major role of our music ministers is to encourage and support the sung prayer of the assembly. No auditions are necessary and you are not required to know how to read music unless you're an instrumentalist. Rehearsals are held from September through May on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm in the church. Most rehearsals last about an hour.

Vocalists and instrumentalists interested in bringing their gifts to the choir should contact Linda Browning, who heads up this ministry.  Contact her at (252) 995-3662 or ArtByLindaB@gmail.com

En espanol:  Los interesados ​​en unirse al coro hispano deben contactar:

Daniel Zenteno (252) 305-2545; Pompi or Lili Zavala (252) 216-9143 or Narsizo Velasquez (252) 216-8648.



Ministry of the Eucharist. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at our services. These ministers do not stand before us as perfect human beings but as signs that our struggle to live the Christian life is not in vain. They strive to be of greater service to The Church and to each of us, and they set an example as those whose lives are governed by the fullness of the Eucharist.

Cathy Silk (252-489-3922) or email her at CAsilk0822@gmail.com. She trains and coordinates all those who serve in this ministry.



Ministry of Altar Server. The children of our parish are also called to serve God's people. Parents, encourage your kids to become an integral part of our worship by participating in this ministry. Boys and girls, who have made their First Communion, are welcome. Find out more about how your child can become a vital part of this long tradition by contacting Fr. Fred Smuda, our Pastor at (252) 995-6613.



Ministry of Sacristan. Being a sacristan is another way to serve our church community and participate in the Mass. Sacristans prepare the altar, altar cloths, vestments, and Communion vessels, and arrange the Lectionary and other worship materials needed for the celebration. After Mass, sacristans clean and store the holy materials or reorganize them for the next Mass.

Claudia Hennessey (252-995-6662) trains and schedules the parish's sacristans.



Ministry of Building & Grounds. Members of this ministry attend to the maintenance of the church building, parish hall, rectory, equipment, and grounds. Volunteers also participate in the Spring and Fall spruce-up days and post-storm cleanups. In general, their labors attend to the management of our facilities and grounds in order to create and maintain a comfortable and secure environment in which all of us can flourish and grow.

Ted Cywinski (610) 742-2518 heads up these efforts.



Ministry of Art & Environment. Those who serve in this ministry show their love for God and for us by quietly working behind the scenes. Activities are sporadic and seasonal. Members plant and tend the flower beds on the grounds and care for the flowers and plants that adorn our worship space. These ministers also assist Father in arranging the nave for liturgical seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.

Claudia Hennessey (252-995-6662) is the person to see for this ministry.



Care & Concerns Ministry. Those who serve in this ministry provide our parishioners with confidential emotional support and outreach in a number of different ways such as temporary assistance with errands or yard maintenance; personal contact for those who are alone; and prayers for the intentions of our church family and their loved ones. This ministry works in partnership with our Martha & Mary Ministry, Ministry of Holy Communion, Heath & Wellness Ministry and Knights of Columbus.

If you wish to volunteer for this ministry or avail yourself of what the ministry offers, please contact the parish office at (252) 995-6370 or email Jane Grimm at Janesgrimm@aol.com.



Health & Wellness Ministry.

This ministry works to promote health with an emphasis on the spiritual component where an individual's awareness of God's love and care enhances healing and improves quality of living. We are called to be health educators, advocates, trainers, facilitators and liaisons in healing of the body, mind, and spirit. By working with and building upon the ministries already in place, our ministry will sow seeds of wellness to create a healthier faith community through education and coordination of services.

We welcome any health professional or those with an interest in wellness to join this ministry. For further information, please contact Karen Fechter at (609) 444-9103 or email her at karensemailonly@gmail.com


Martha & Mary Ministry. Encouraging community unity and spiritual growth through fellowship is at the core of the “M&M Ministry”, which organizes most of the social aspects that grace parish life. Our delicious covered dish dinners, our much-enjoyed Coffee Sundays, and our Lenten soup 'n' bread suppers are some of the opportunities the women provide in order to gather our church family under one roof. The ministry's popular bake sales finance the needs of our busy parish hall kitchen. Among other ministry-sponsored activities are “board game nights” and a guided rosary program as well as the Tootsie Roll program. Every woman of the parish is an “M&M” even if she's not active in the ministry. Beverly Zervakis leads this ministry, contact her at (804) 356-4836 for more information .


Bless us by sharing your gifts with us! Please consider serving in the Liturgical Ministries (sacristan, reader, minister of Holy Communion, musician, usher, greeter) or joining in our fundraising efforts such as bake sales, raffles, and Taco Nights; helping with our social gatherings like Lenten Soup Suppers, covered dish and Sunday coffees; assisting with weddings as one of our wedding coordinators; being part of a committee team; lending a hand with our Spring and Fall grounds spruce-ups; or digging into our gardening projects. Participation in all aspects of parish life are welcome and encouraged!

Dave Greider - Cantor - Serve Page.jpg