The church is open for prayer and meditation 9:00am to 4:00pm in Buxton, and Stella Maris on Ocracoke is open from 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Our Regular Mass Schedule for Ocracoke and Buxton:
Sat., Vigil 5:30 pm
Sun., 9:00 am (also live-streamed)
Sun., 3:30 pm - Stella Maris Chapel on Ocracoke
Weekday Masses as announced -
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before or after any Mass, Saturdays 4:45pm to 5:15pm, or by appointment with Fr. Fred Smuda, OSFS.
Recent live-streamed liturgies are archived here
Mass times are subject to change according to Fr. Fred's availability. Please click here for most current schedule.
December 8 - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Mass times: Vigil 5:30pm, Saturday; Sunday 9:00am, Misa en Espanol 5:30pm
December 9 - Immaculate Conception - Mass 5:30pm - Holy Day of Obligation
December 11- Fiesta de Nuestra Senora Virgen de Guadalupe - Stella Maris Misa 5:30pm (Espanol)
December 12- Fiesta de Nuestra Senora Virgen de Guadalupe - Buxton- Misa 5:30pm (Espanol) y Fiesta en Salon December 12
December 15 - 3rd Sunday of Advent - Mass times: Vigil 5:30pm, Saturday; Sunday 9:00am; 3:30pm Stella Maris & Sacrament of First Communion
December 22 - 4th Sunday of Advent Vigil Mass 5:30pm, Saturday, Sunday 9:00am, 3:30pm Stella Maris
December 24- Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord - Mass 7:00pm, Sunday- Buxton
December 25 - Nativity of the Lord - Mass 9:00am Buxton, 3:30pm Stella Maris