The church is open for prayer and meditation 9:00am to 4:00pm in Buxton, and Stella Maris on Ocracoke is open from 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Our Regular Mass Schedule for Ocracoke and Buxton:
Sat., Vigil 5:30 pm
Sun., 9:00 am (also live-streamed)
Sun., 2:30 pm - Stella Maris Chapel on Ocracoke
Weekday Masses as announced -
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before or after any Mass, Saturdays 4:45pm to 5:15pm, or by appointment with Fr. Fred Smuda, OSFS.
Recent live-streamed liturgies are archived here
Mass times are subject to change according to Fr. Fred's availability. Please click here for most current schedule.
Welcome Fr. Giovanny Munoz, OSFS to the Outer Banks.